October 31, 2011

Week 44 - Caution Dude


Faster than Scrubbing Bubbles, more powerful than a Magic Eraser... able to mop huge puddles in a single swipe. -- Look, Over there! It's a bumble bee. It's a taxi. No, it's Caution Dude! -- Yes, it's Caution Dude! Strange visitor from another world who came to earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of below-average men. Caution Dude, who, disguised as 20-year-old Greg Bowdler, mild-mannered seasonal janitor for a small-town high school, fights a never-ending battle for cleanliness, caution, and really, REALLY shiny floors."

Happy Halloween!

What? You were expecting some kind of ghoulish creeper or nocturnal cave-dweller? Look around people. Superhero costumes are HOT this year. In fact, according to a survey I just made up, 93% of people reported that they were celebrating Halloween dressed as their favorite tight-wearing civil-saver. And although I love seeing one tiny Iron Man after another, after another, at my door (hating on my sour apple flavored Blow Pops) my favorite superheroes are the ones that are completely made up.

Take Caution Dude for instance. He came into being back when I was working summers as a janitor during college trying to stockpile money to fund a bad corn dog habit. Sure, the original costume was little more than caution tape, rubber gloves, and some ridiculous boots I found in the school's janitor closet... but I had moxie. I ran around that school, in full costume, professing the importance of caution to my co-workers and supervisors alike. (basically anything was better than scrapping gum off the bottom of desks)

So... let your imagination run wild and go out there and do something... Super!

The next Munny will be posted on November 11 and will feature a hero of another kind. If you have an idea of a Munny YOU would like to see, leave a comment below or shoot me an e-mail at gbowdler@gmail.com.


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