March 25, 2011

Week 12 - Munt Chocolate Chip


I scream. You scream. We all scream for this week’s Munny. Ahhhhhhh! <= that was me screaming J

It’s currently 74 degrees and sunny in Tampa, Florida. Sure it might only be the first week of Spring but my northern-raised body is screaming Summer and that means one thing. ICECREAM! Om nom nom.

I remember summers as a kid when little league games often ended with a trip to Friendly’s to get a sugar cone adorned with a scoop or two of creamy goodness. The best days were when we ended up at a small farm-stand named Esther’s Olde Tyme County Market. This place served scoops the size of my adolescent head. Let’s just say it was AMAZING!

A major shout out goes to Caitlyn Corrao. She is the one who suggested this week’s Munny idea as well as has helped in many other aspects of this project. (Not to mention in the rest of my life) She has played reluctant model (above), photographer, brain-stormer, muse, design consultant, and various other very important roles. You rock Caitlyn! Thanks for everything!

The next Munny will be posted on Friday, April 1st. (and that's no joke) If you have any ideas for a Munny you would like to see, post a comment here or send me an e-mail at


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March 17, 2011

Week 11 - Top O' The Munny To Ya!


OMFG! Finally after all of these years I've caught a leprechaun and his pot was filled with something other than breakfast cereal! "Umm, those are just chocolate coins." FINE! ruin the magic! I wish you all the best on this day that people drink questionably colored liquids and lie about their heritage just to get a little action! May the Luck O' The Irish be with you!

This is another special week in the Munny A Week 2011 project. With 11 Munnys I've officially gotten farther than my 2010 predecessor who owns the website Even after a month-long hiatus, he fell short of his 52 munny goal by a whopping 42 munnys. I couldn't have done it without all of you!

The next Munny will be posted on Friday, March 25th. If there is a Munny YOU would like to see, comment here or send me an e-mail at


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March 11, 2011

Week 10 - Scooter the Turtle


Once upon a time (just about 5 years ago) in an apartment complex about 11 miles away, I was walking down the sidewalk to go check my mail when I see this bird pecking at a rock. As I got closer the bird, noticeably unpleased with my presence, makes one last gallant attempt of lodging the rock in its beak and takes off.

The rock dislodged mid-takeoff and came crashing to the ground. I came upon the rock only to realize it wasn’t a rock at all. It was a little baby turtle, no bigger than a quarter. So, I did what any critter loving 8-year old would do, (so what if I was 23) I scooped him up, put him in my pocket and snuck him into a cardboard box in my bedroom.

Now, at this time, I was a single, unemployed, too far from graduation to be called recent college graduate, with a case of depression and a bank balance just as low. But, somehow, I figured life with me couldn’t be much worse for the little guy than the way I found him. So, with my last bit of savings I went to the pet store, bought him a teeny tiny tank, some turtle food and our bond was sealed. That night I named him Scooter.

The next day I got an interview to be a part-time employee with The University of Tampa. A few days later (March 15th) I got the job. With my first paycheck I went back to the pet store and bought scooter a 10-gallon fish tank, and some fish room-mates to celebrate.

It’s now five years later. That 10-gallon fish tank has turned into a 40-gallon fish tank, (which now seems a bit cramped) That part-time University of Tampa job turned into a full-time job, then another, and another, and even another. Scooter’s fish room-mates have been plentiful and, as I’m sure he’d agree, tasty. (He eats everything… literally. From bananas to spaghetti, fish to vanilla milkshakes. His favorite is popcorn)

He’s more dog than turtle, really. Every day when I get home he swims up to the edge of his tank and makes such a racket, splashing around, just trying to swim to me. He stops thrashing when I pick him up and he just sits there, staring at me, content.

So, this week I am celebrating the 5th birthday of my dear friend Scooter the Turtle. He’s gone from the size of a quarter to larger than my hand. I hope to be hanging with Scoots until we are both old and gray.

The next Munny will be posted on Friday, March 18th. If you have any ideas for a Munny you would like to see, post a comment here or send me an e-mail at

This is Scooter between 1 and 2 years old hanging out with his plastic friends.


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