December 31, 2011

Munny A Week 2011 - All 52 Munnys

Here they are... all 52 Munnys! So, which one is your favorite?
Sorry for the poor quality of the image. There was just soo much Munny to squeeze in there.

December 30, 2011

Week 52 - MunnyMe, A Self-Portrait


So, this is it folks - Today I post the 52nd and final MiniMunny of my Munny-A-Week 2011 project. A self portrait. It has been one heck of a year, I'll tell you that. this project has reached all ends of the spectrum for me. I've had weeks of creative enlightenment and I've had weeks where I was on the verge of giving up, but unlike those who have gone before me (cough cough cough), I knew I had to see this project through all the way to the end. So thank you to the people that have been there since the beginning and thank you as well to all of those we picked up along the way. You all rock.

Now, I don't mean to brag or anything, but I'm pretty sure I'm the first and only person to have undertaken this project and succeeded... but then again, we are days away from a new year and I'd love to see someone follow in my Munny footsteps. (also, Kidrobot, if you wanted to feature me or send me all kinds of free Munny swag, that would be ok too.) This is not the end of my Munny making career... but I certainly believe I've earned a bit of a break.

As promised, each and every Munny of this project will be going on ebay for those of you that want to own a piece of history. I'm taking a two week break, but starting on Friday, January 20th, 2012 All of the Munnys I customized in the month of January will go up for bidding. This will continue for the next 12 weeks. All bids will start at $9.95, the price of a blank miniMunny, and each auction will last exactly 1 week. The e-bay account is "munnyaweek", but I will also be posting each auction here, on my facebook page ( I guess I'll see you around. :)


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December 23, 2011

Week 51 - Christmunn Tree


The 4th (and final) Munny Till Christmas Greg gave to me....
a Chrissssssssmmmmuuuunnnn Treeeee!
... and those other three guys from before.

The last Munny of this project will be posted next week, December 30th! Are you excited!?


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December 16, 2011

Week 50 - Randolph The Red Nosed Reindeer


The 3rd Munny Till Christmas Greg gave to me....
Randolph The Red Nosed Reindeer...
... Milo The Elf and a SnowMunn named Larry.
The final Munny Till Christmas will be posted on Friday, December 23rd. Happy Holidays!
p.s. Yes. His nose glows or blinks... your choice.


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December 9, 2011

Week 49 - Milo the Elf


The 2nd Munny Till Christmas Greg gave to me....
Milo the Elf...

... and a SnowMunn named Larry.

The next Munny Till Christmas will be posted on Friday, December 16th. Happy Holidays!


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December 2, 2011

Week 48 - Larry the Snowmunn


The first Munny Till Christmas Greg gave to me....
A Snowmunn named Larry.

The next Munny Till Christmas will be posted on Friday, December 9th. Happy Holidays!


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November 25, 2011

Week 47 - Happy Turkey Day!


Happy (day after) Thanksgiving!

Honestly, I had intended to post this sometime yesterday but we had our Thanksgiving feast at around 2 p.m. and by 3 I was in a Turkey-induced coma that I just awoke from mere hours ago. If anyone can account for the last 24 hours for me, that would be great! So, happy Black Friday, I guess.

Now, the coma left my head a little dizzy but I remember that Thanksgiving was developed some 390 years ago when the Pilgrims and the Indians were watching a parade in which Santa would bring up the rear and proclaim that day the eve of the biggest shopping day or the year. Years later, in 1776, because of the Thanksgiving feast being so popular, Ben Franklin argued that the national bird should not be the eagle, but instead, be green bean casserole. True story!

It's at this time of year when we give thanks for all of the important things in our lives, such as our iPhones, 3D televisions and hand sanitizer. Most importantly, though, it's the day we are allowed to start listening to holiday music without people glaring at us in disgust.

Next week begins a very special week in my Munny A Week project, The 4 Munnys Till Christmas. Each Friday of the next four weeks will showcase another holiday themed Munny. How exciting is that!? Okay, question time. Now that I'm just about done with the Munny A Week project, what should I do next year? Leave me a comment below with ideas or shoot me an e-mail at


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November 18, 2011

Week 46 - MOVEMBER


You might have noticed that men all over the world are sporting impressively coiffed mustaches during the month of November. Some of them, I'm sure, are year-long facial hair aficionados like myself, but the rest might be doing it for a good cause. Movember was developed in Australia in 1999 and in the past decade has spread across the world, raised $117 million, and more importantly, raised awareness of men's health issues, specifically prostate, testicular, and other cancers that affect men.

"Why did you make a Munny with a doodle, Greg?" you may be asking. Well, to be honest, I did it to make us all feel a little uncomfortable. You see. It has been my experience that we as a society are uneasy with the male body. We see naked, or mostly naked, women posted all over the place (and I'm not complaining) but the male body has always been a bit of a taboo. Men experience this weird mix of pride and neglect that stops them from going to the doctor. They could be missing out on catching some of these horrible diseases in their early stages.

So, if you have some extra cash lying around, go ahead and go to and click on the donate button. If you don't, find your closest male friend and stick your finger up his butt. While you're up there check the prostate.. you could save his life.

If I'm not too full from delicious food, the next Munny will be posted on November 25th. I'd love to hear from you about the project, so leave a comment below or send an e-mail to


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November 11, 2011

Week 45 - Veterunn's Day


First off, I would like like to say thank you. Thank you to all of the people that have, do, or will risk their lives so that I can sit here in my comfy chair customizing Munnys. It is because of your heroism that I can worry about what Munny I'm going to make next week and not whether I'm going to live, have a roof over my head, or have enough to eat. So, again, a thousand times THANK YOU!

This week's Munny customization is in honor and memory of my grandfather, T.W.E. Bowdler or "Luke" if you were a friend. He was in the United States Navy and served as a submariner during WWII on both the USS Crevalle and USS Rasher. According to excerpts from some books I found online he did plenty of bomb dodging and even handled some pretty important Japanese documents... not bad for a guy who spent most of the war underwater, huh!?

The next Munny will be posted on November 18th. If you have a Munny customization YOU would like to see me do, you have just about 24 hours to leave it in the comments below or send it to ('cause every other Munny with exception of next week has already been planned... so speak now or hold your peas until next year... or something like that).


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October 31, 2011

Week 44 - Caution Dude


Faster than Scrubbing Bubbles, more powerful than a Magic Eraser... able to mop huge puddles in a single swipe. -- Look, Over there! It's a bumble bee. It's a taxi. No, it's Caution Dude! -- Yes, it's Caution Dude! Strange visitor from another world who came to earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of below-average men. Caution Dude, who, disguised as 20-year-old Greg Bowdler, mild-mannered seasonal janitor for a small-town high school, fights a never-ending battle for cleanliness, caution, and really, REALLY shiny floors."

Happy Halloween!

What? You were expecting some kind of ghoulish creeper or nocturnal cave-dweller? Look around people. Superhero costumes are HOT this year. In fact, according to a survey I just made up, 93% of people reported that they were celebrating Halloween dressed as their favorite tight-wearing civil-saver. And although I love seeing one tiny Iron Man after another, after another, at my door (hating on my sour apple flavored Blow Pops) my favorite superheroes are the ones that are completely made up.

Take Caution Dude for instance. He came into being back when I was working summers as a janitor during college trying to stockpile money to fund a bad corn dog habit. Sure, the original costume was little more than caution tape, rubber gloves, and some ridiculous boots I found in the school's janitor closet... but I had moxie. I ran around that school, in full costume, professing the importance of caution to my co-workers and supervisors alike. (basically anything was better than scrapping gum off the bottom of desks)

So... let your imagination run wild and go out there and do something... Super!

The next Munny will be posted on November 11 and will feature a hero of another kind. If you have an idea of a Munny YOU would like to see, leave a comment below or shoot me an e-mail at


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