February 28, 2011

Week 9 - May I have the envelope please....


Who doesn’t love the Academy Awards? It’s really got something for everyone: Fancy Dresses, Movie Stars, and Opportunities to Lose Your Life Savings in the Office Betting Pool. (Lost by one freakin’ Oscar… damn you Trent Reznor!)

But, do you know who I really feel sorry for? Whoever must have lost their job last night when Aaron Sorkin (Winner of Best Adapted Screenplay for The Social Network) talked for over a minute after the orchestra started playing. I just imagine the stage manager, head of celebrity escortation and orchestra conductor all pointing fingers at each other after the show. Hilarious!

So, the winner, for the Best Adapted Award Show Statue goes to….. (cricket’s chirping)

This week’s Munny! Congratulations little guy! You deserve it!

And Yes. This is the second time in Munny A Week 2011 history that I’ve posted a Munny on the “Munnday” before it’s due. Looks like I just bought myself the rest of the week off! Everyone have a GREAT start to March and I’ll be back a week from Friday with a Munny customization that is very near and dear to my heart!

The next Munny will be posted on Friday, March 11th. If you have any ideas for a Munny you would like to see, post a comment here or send me an e-mail at gbowdler@gmail.com.


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February 25, 2011

Week 8 – Sock Munnkey


One of the great things about working in a university setting overseeing college students is the flow of ideas and how quickly something mediocre can turn into something brilliant. This week’s Munny inspiration came out of one of those conversations. Just over a month ago I was bored and decided to organize my sock drawer. (Mind you, this was the first time that has been done in, well, maybe forever) I ended up with 34 pairs of socks and 18 without their solemate (get it? sole – mate? Heelarious… get it? heel-arious? Never mind, I’m done).

I tweeted this information (like all of the other mundane facts of my existence… isn’t twitter great?) and the next day at work the conversation started. “Do a sock puppet, the lost sock, sock this or sock that”, my students eagerly shared with me. And so I decided to twist it just a bit further and went with the classic sock item of ALL TIME, the sock monkey. – Enjoy!

The next Munny will be posted on Friday, March 4th. If you have any ideas for a Munny you would like to see, post a comment here or send me an e-mail at gbowdler@gmail.com.


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February 18, 2011

Week 7 - Munmaid?.. Mermmy?


... What exactly is the technical term for this little creature? Nevermind.

Look at this thing. Isn’t it neat-o? Wouldn’t you think my collection’s complete-o? Wouldn’t you think I’m the boy? The boy who’s made… everything? Well, you’d be wrong. According to my calculation we still have 45 Munnys left to go this year. So, cleaaarllly I haven't even come close to making everything.

Today’s Munny marks a couple of milestones in the Munny A Week project. It’s the first time I’ve attempted to create anything that could be remotely arguably female (basically I’m afraid of hair… it’s hard to get all those little pieces to stick to the head let alone style into anything other than a horribly tangled mess) AND it can also be marked on the board as the first reader-submitted  idea – Yay! Go Betsy!

Betsy is a high school friend of mine who gets to do all kinds of cool stuff at her job (she would totally rock at making and styling hair for female munnys) AND also makes really cool food related jewelry. Oh, and did I mention she plays the ukulele? Needless to say, she is pretty cool. You can be cool like Betsy and I by going to her website www.betsyetsy.etsy.com and getting your own BetsyEtsy originals… Just look at the detail on those sushi rolls! Holy Cow! Shameless plug over.

The next Munny will be posted on Friday, February 25th. If you have any ideas for a Munny you would like to see, post a comment here or send me an e-mail at gbowdler@gmail.com.


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February 11, 2011

Week 6 - "Paging Doctor Valentine..."

"Dr. Valentine to the ER.... Dr. Valentine to the ER..." Where is that guy? He failed to sell his second chance on Ebay... looks like he is having a bad case of heart burn. Enjoy!

Did Not Sell

It's a sad day for Doctor Valentine... after nearly half a decade as a practicing cardiologist; he still doesn't know how to mend a broken heart.... Zing!

Yes, Valentine’s Day. A day where 73% of the population spend lavish amounts of money on dying plants, 64% make last minute dinner reservations, 3% write cards to their pets, and I make up a bunch of statistics.

Did you know back in the Middle Ages you didn't actually get to pick who would be your Valentine? True story. They would pick a name out of a hat and would be stuck with that person for a week-long festival in honor of Juno, the goddess of women and marriage.

These days, however, you've got to have a valentine to get any loving on February 14th. If you're single, do what I'm going to do. Download your single Facebook friends list into an Excel spreadsheet and throw enough formulas at it until it comes back with a way to pick a person at random. Then, buy that person all kinds of stuff and send it anonymously in the mail. Sit back, close your eyes and imagine their surprise when they open the package from their "Secret Admirer" chock full of chocolates, flowers and edible underwear… then just wait for the restraining order to come in the mail and you’re all set!

Happy Valentine’s Day to one and all!

Also, a quick shout out to all my fans in India and Singapore… You guys don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day but you sure do rock!

The next Munny will be posted on Friday, February 18th. If you have any ideas for a Munny you would like to see, post a comment here or send me an e-mail at gbowdler@gmail.com.


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February 4, 2011

Week 5 - Munna Lisa


I decided to take a slightly different approach this week with the Munny a Week project. (Trust me, with 47 Munnys left to go, sometimes I have to switch things up to keep my mind happy.) I decided to interpret some classic art with a munny twist. (besides... imagine how many of these i could get away with... anybody thinking of their favorite artists? Vinnie van Gogh? Warhol? anybody?)

"Hey! That's not art!" hisses an old art teacher of mine who shoud probably remain nameless. (but I probably don't have the will power to resist)

"Yes, Mrs. Crawford. (whoops!) It is," I explain. "You see... if you turn the little guy around, you will realize that he is more than just holding the masterpiece... he is actually part of it. I don't care if everything looks a bit cartoony. Cartoonists are artists too! WHY are you making me draw a picture of my father from the early '80s giving my dog a bath with pastel briquettes anyway!? Who the heck are you to judge WHAT art is!!!? You're JUST a high school art teacher - some day I'm gonna be famous... you'll see. THEN you'll eat your words!!! $%!@!!"

::: End Scene :::

The next VERY special Valentine's Day Munny will be posted on Friday, February 11th. If you have any ideas for a Munny you would like to see, post a comment here or send me an e-mail at gbowdler@gmail.com.


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