November 25, 2011

Week 47 - Happy Turkey Day!


Happy (day after) Thanksgiving!

Honestly, I had intended to post this sometime yesterday but we had our Thanksgiving feast at around 2 p.m. and by 3 I was in a Turkey-induced coma that I just awoke from mere hours ago. If anyone can account for the last 24 hours for me, that would be great! So, happy Black Friday, I guess.

Now, the coma left my head a little dizzy but I remember that Thanksgiving was developed some 390 years ago when the Pilgrims and the Indians were watching a parade in which Santa would bring up the rear and proclaim that day the eve of the biggest shopping day or the year. Years later, in 1776, because of the Thanksgiving feast being so popular, Ben Franklin argued that the national bird should not be the eagle, but instead, be green bean casserole. True story!

It's at this time of year when we give thanks for all of the important things in our lives, such as our iPhones, 3D televisions and hand sanitizer. Most importantly, though, it's the day we are allowed to start listening to holiday music without people glaring at us in disgust.

Next week begins a very special week in my Munny A Week project, The 4 Munnys Till Christmas. Each Friday of the next four weeks will showcase another holiday themed Munny. How exciting is that!? Okay, question time. Now that I'm just about done with the Munny A Week project, what should I do next year? Leave me a comment below with ideas or shoot me an e-mail at


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