November 18, 2011

Week 46 - MOVEMBER


You might have noticed that men all over the world are sporting impressively coiffed mustaches during the month of November. Some of them, I'm sure, are year-long facial hair aficionados like myself, but the rest might be doing it for a good cause. Movember was developed in Australia in 1999 and in the past decade has spread across the world, raised $117 million, and more importantly, raised awareness of men's health issues, specifically prostate, testicular, and other cancers that affect men.

"Why did you make a Munny with a doodle, Greg?" you may be asking. Well, to be honest, I did it to make us all feel a little uncomfortable. You see. It has been my experience that we as a society are uneasy with the male body. We see naked, or mostly naked, women posted all over the place (and I'm not complaining) but the male body has always been a bit of a taboo. Men experience this weird mix of pride and neglect that stops them from going to the doctor. They could be missing out on catching some of these horrible diseases in their early stages.

So, if you have some extra cash lying around, go ahead and go to and click on the donate button. If you don't, find your closest male friend and stick your finger up his butt. While you're up there check the prostate.. you could save his life.

If I'm not too full from delicious food, the next Munny will be posted on November 25th. I'd love to hear from you about the project, so leave a comment below or send an e-mail to


Jump to the MUNNDEX.

1 comment:

  1. ha! love it!

    Sadly due to my native american blood in my genes, the most I could grow all month is a fuzz. LOL
