Sooooooo, its EARTH DAY everyone! And, for the first time in 41 years somebody (me) is making a Munny in honor of it. (Ok, please don’t look this up… ‘Cause I didn’t and am ok with assuming this is the first time someone has made an Earth Day Munny.)
“How does that thing celebrate Earth Day other than the fact that it kinda sorta looks like the earth?” You may be asking. Well, I’m glad you did. You see, for the first time in Munny A Week 2011 history, this munny is customized using 100% recycled materials. :::pause for monstrous applause:::
So go out there and plant a tree, or don’t flush the toilet, or throw a bunch of ice cubes in the ocean in celebration of Earth Day! You know you want to!
The next Munny will be posted on April 29, 2011. If you have an idea of a Munny YOU would like to see, leave a comment here or send me an e-mail to A slight warning though: If your idea has been done by someone else before (I suggest you Google “Munny Ideas”), or is for an event that has passed, or is soooo specific that it would be lost on a broader audience… the chance of it happening for this project is low. (That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t love to make it in 2012 though J)
*Yes. I know real-life stars are not rectangular in shape... well guess what... real-life stars don't have a bunch of points on them either. Its called artistic liscence. Deal with it!
“How does that thing celebrate Earth Day other than the fact that it kinda sorta looks like the earth?” You may be asking. Well, I’m glad you did. You see, for the first time in Munny A Week 2011 history, this munny is customized using 100% recycled materials. :::pause for monstrous applause:::
So go out there and plant a tree, or don’t flush the toilet, or throw a bunch of ice cubes in the ocean in celebration of Earth Day! You know you want to!
The next Munny will be posted on April 29, 2011. If you have an idea of a Munny YOU would like to see, leave a comment here or send me an e-mail to A slight warning though: If your idea has been done by someone else before (I suggest you Google “Munny Ideas”), or is for an event that has passed, or is soooo specific that it would be lost on a broader audience… the chance of it happening for this project is low. (That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t love to make it in 2012 though J)
*Yes. I know real-life stars are not rectangular in shape... well guess what... real-life stars don't have a bunch of points on them either. Its called artistic liscence. Deal with it!
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