April 8, 2011

Week 14 - Crash Test Munny


Some statistic somewhere says that there are over 6 million car accidents in the USA every year. This past Monday I was on the receiving end of one of those collisions. Don’t worry my lovely people of the internet, I’m perfectly ok… I even still made it to work on time. I’m amazing… I know.

It got me thinking, though… about those poor individuals that end up in a lot more collisions than the rest of us - Crash test dummies. (No, not the band; those guys have unfortunate lives all their own.)

This week’s Munny is a tribute to those lifesaving heaps of plastic and metal. (And not those creepy ones from the seat belt safety commercials of the late ‘80s, either) I’m talking about the hard working ones that get into collision after collision just to ensure our safety. This is what it would look like if I were a crash test dummy, instead of a ridiculously awesome human being. Enjoy.

The next Munny will be posted on Friday, April 15. If you have any ideas for a Munny you would like to see, post a comment here or send me an email at gbowdler@gmail.com.


Jump to the MUNNDEX.

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