First, I’d like to give a shout out to my fans in Canada, Croatia, and Australia. You guys rock! You Americans are pretty alright too.
Second, has anybody realized that for the past 10 years Punxsutawney Phil has seen his shadow 9 times! 9 frickin times! That is equal to over a year of extra winter. (Global warming my Gobbler’s Knob!)
Now, maybe I’m a bit biased now that I live in Florida and hate cold weather, but I’m waiting for the day that the Inner Circle (the creepy group of men that don top hats and tuxes and worship groundhogs) pull Phil from The Knob and he professes in his “Groundhogese” that winter is on hold permanently. After all, that little meteorologist has been working for over 120 years. You’d think he’d want to retire and move someplace nice and warm.
So, you know what I’m hoping for come Wednesday... even though the odds are stacked against me (7 to 1) A guy can hope though.
The next Munny will be posted on Friday, February 4th. If you have any ideas for a Munny you would like to see, post a comment here or send me an e-mail at

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