January 14, 2011

Week 2 - Beenard, The Honey Harvester


A few weeks back I was watching a program on television about "Urban Beekeeping" and I have to admit that I couldn't help but go online and check out what it was all about for a potential career change... then I remembered back to my childhood when I used to trap bees on the cone-flowers in the front yard in peanut butter jars and toss them in the air... long story short. I think I've built up some bad bee karma.

Fun Fact of the day: a queen and three pounds of worker bees are called "a package." (sings: The mooooore you knooooow!)

This week's Munny is an ode to all those out there that risk it all to collect the sweet stuff in bear bottles the world over. Note the little honeybee to the left of his face (or right of his face if you are Beenard) that is attached to his hat with a wire... give it a little flick and it will bobble there beside his head for well over a minute.

Wondering why he has a pained look on his face? Check out the inset photo of his backside and you'll discover that his suit's butt-flap has come undone and the evidence of a hit-and-fly attack on his left butt cheek.

The next munny will be posted on Friday, January 21st. If you have any ideas for a munny you would like to see, post a comment here or send me an e-mail at gbowdler@gmail.com.


Jump to the MUNNDEX.

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