April 29, 2011

Week 17 - The Royal Wedding Cake

Did Not Sell!

Not too incredibly long ago, Vanity Fair did a poll that discovered that, as a whole, people from the good old USofA didn't care about the royal wedding between Prince William and Kate of John & Kate Plus 8 fame (or something like that). From that point on, every single entertainment and news show in America dedicated 99.8% of their on-air time to talking about the royal wedding.

I too have decided to ignore the interests and needs of my people. And thus bring you, The Royal Wedding Cake. What you see above is an EXACT replica of what the cake celebrating today's nuptials will look like (at least, that's what Master Pastry Chef Fiona Cairns, designer of The Cake, told me when we spoke on the phone 3 weeks ago. She hasn't accepted a single call from me since [maybe because I was calling Collect], so any discrepancy between the two cakes is clearly a mistake on her part) Mmmm cake.

The next Munny will be posted on Friday, May 6. If you have an idea of a Munny YOU would like to see, leave a comment below or send me an e-mail at gbowdler.@gmail.com


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April 22, 2011

Week 16 - Earth Day



I’m sad to report this week that, once again, the nomination jury, in their over-sightedness, have neglected to award me with the Pulitzer Prize. It’s ok. There’s always next year!

Sooooooo, its EARTH DAY everyone! And, for the first time in 41 years somebody (me) is making a Munny in honor of it. (Ok, please don’t look this up… ‘Cause I didn’t and am ok with assuming this is the first time someone has made an Earth Day Munny.)

“How does that thing celebrate Earth Day other than the fact that it kinda sorta looks like the earth?” You may be asking. Well, I’m glad you did. You see, for the first time in Munny A Week 2011 history, this munny is customized using 100% recycled materials. :::pause for monstrous applause:::

So go out there and plant a tree, or don’t flush the toilet, or throw a bunch of ice cubes in the ocean in celebration of Earth Day! You know you want to!

The next Munny will be posted on April 29, 2011. If you have an idea of a Munny YOU would like to see, leave a comment here or send me an e-mail to gbowdler@gmail.com. A slight warning though: If your idea has been done by someone else before (I suggest you Google “Munny Ideas”), or is for an event that has passed, or is soooo specific that it would be lost on a broader audience… the chance of it happening for this project is low. (That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t love to make it in 2012 though J)

*Yes. I know real-life stars are not rectangular in shape... well guess what... real-life stars don't have a bunch of points on them either. Its called artistic liscence. Deal with it!


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April 15, 2011

Week 15 - Insomunnya Solver


Have you ever had one of those nights when you just can’t fall asleep? No matter what you do, you can’t drift off. You end up lying in bed for hours staring at the ceiling, hating yourself as the clock ticks closer and closer to the alarm going off. For me, those nights happen frequently.

I’ve always been a bit of a thinker (notice I didn’t say intellectual… things I think about are rarely of any importance) I can lay in bed for hours thinking about the most mundane or oddball things only to realize it’s now 3 a.m. That tends to be the cause of my insomnia. The other night I tried something drastic. For the first time ever, I was going to switch my brain from thinking about stuff to thinking about sheep… jumping over a fence. That’s right. I was going to count sheep. And then it hit me…

As I lay there at 3 a.m., I realized, I had no idea what a sheep looked like. I know what you are thinking. Everyone and their mother have seen sheep in their life, or in pictures, or on television, etc. and don’t get me wrong… I have too. But, In that moment, for the life of me, I could not form the image of a sheep in my head. That first sheep never came to me. I lay there until my alarm sounded thinking of an imaginary fence in the middle of an imaginary field… it was horrible. The next day I set out to mend that problem by actually creating my own counting sheep… and tahdah! I present this week’s Munny!

The next Munny will be posted on Friday, April 22, 2011. If you have any ideas for a Munny you would like to see, post a comment here or send me an e-mail at gbowdler@gmail.com.


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April 8, 2011

Week 14 - Crash Test Munny


Some statistic somewhere says that there are over 6 million car accidents in the USA every year. This past Monday I was on the receiving end of one of those collisions. Don’t worry my lovely people of the internet, I’m perfectly ok… I even still made it to work on time. I’m amazing… I know.

It got me thinking, though… about those poor individuals that end up in a lot more collisions than the rest of us - Crash test dummies. (No, not the band; those guys have unfortunate lives all their own.)

This week’s Munny is a tribute to those lifesaving heaps of plastic and metal. (And not those creepy ones from the seat belt safety commercials of the late ‘80s, either) I’m talking about the hard working ones that get into collision after collision just to ensure our safety. This is what it would look like if I were a crash test dummy, instead of a ridiculously awesome human being. Enjoy.

The next Munny will be posted on Friday, April 15. If you have any ideas for a Munny you would like to see, post a comment here or send me an email at gbowdler@gmail.com.


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April 1, 2011

Week 13 - MunnInk


This week marks another one of those milestone weeks in the 2011 Munny A Week project. I have spent the last 12 weeks customizing a 4" mini Munny Action Figure with everything from turtles to tree stumps. This week, however, I've decided to customize a 73" Mega Greg Bowdler Action Figure with a 4" mini Munny. That's right! This week, Thursday evening in particular, I braved the massive storm and went under the needle to have the Munny logo permanently affixed to my arm. How's that for dedication? Luckily, I brought a friend along to catch the whole experience on film...

Click the video below to view. (Don't bother... it is fake - keep reading.)

The Next Munny will be posted on April 8, 2011. If there is a Munny you would like to see, make sure to leave a comment here or send an e-mail to gbowdler@gmail.com


If you clicked on the "video" image before it would have taken you to a second blog where you would have found the following post:

Week 13 - Whoopee Munnshion

Eww. Who farted?! Okay, Okay. Sooo, by now you can tell that I didn't really get any "ink done."* But, what I did do was create this little Munny above and this hoax of a blog post in the spirit of April Fools Day!

I absolutely LOVE April Fools Day! It gives me an excuse to do little tricks to everyone AND not get into any sort of trouble for it. I wanted to go old school for this Munny and what is a more classic trick than to slip a Whoopee Cushion under someone's chair and wait for them to sit down. I'm rolling on the floor laughing just thinking about it! So, go on out there and play tricks on everyone today... but make sure you are safe while doing so. Nobody wants to lose their job... or a finger.

The next Munny will be posted on April 8, 2011. If you have any ideas for a Munny you would like to see, drop a comment below or send me an e-mail at gbowdler@gmail.com.

* Can I just say that I'm very surprised by the lack of cooperation of the Tampa Bay tattooing industry? I spent a good portion of my evening calling tattoo parlors inquiring if they would allow me to come in and film them prepping me for a tattoo so the video would actually exist... up until the actual application of ink under my skin... and not a single one would take my munny.. er... i mean... money. Geesh. How is a guy suppose to pull off a convincing prank in this town?


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