January 28, 2011

Week 4 - Phed-Up-Utawney Phil


First, I’d like to give a shout out to my fans in Canada, Croatia, and Australia. You guys rock!  You Americans are pretty alright too.

Second, has anybody realized that for the past 10 years Punxsutawney Phil has seen his shadow 9 times! 9 frickin times! That is equal to over a year of extra winter. (Global warming my Gobbler’s Knob!)

Now, maybe I’m a bit biased now that I live in Florida and hate cold weather, but I’m waiting for the day that the Inner Circle (the creepy group of men that don top hats and tuxes and worship groundhogs) pull Phil from The Knob and he professes in his “Groundhogese” that winter is on hold permanently. After all, that little meteorologist has been working for over 120 years. You’d think he’d want to retire and move someplace nice and warm.

So, you know what I’m hoping for come Wednesday... even though the odds are stacked against me (7 to 1) A guy can hope though.

The next Munny will be posted on Friday, February 4th. If you have any ideas for a Munny you would like to see, post a comment here or send me an e-mail at gbowdler@gmail.com.



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January 16, 2011

Week 3 – Ophiuchus, Holder of Snakes… Wrecker of Self-Identity

Ophiuchus!?... More like Awfuluchus! As you can probably gather, Ophiuchus failed to sell his second chance on Ebay... so, as promised, he had a date with a rubber mallet. Enjoy!


It’s not often that a moment comes along that makes you take a deep look at your life to figure out if everything you believed up until that point was a lie. One such moment happened this past week that turned the world on end and guaranteed that nobody would ever be the same. (Or at least most of the people that post Facebook statuses.)

That’s right, this past week Ophiuchus (pronounced OFF-ee-YOU-kuss) was thrust into our brains and had us second-guessing everything we knew about ourselves. “What? You mean I’m really supposed to be a Virgo? But, but, but, I’ve spent my entire life depending upon the fact that I’m indecisive, look at things fairly, and have the ungodly ability to woo women. Now what am I suppose to do?”

As it turns out this guy has been around for 1000s of years but societies of the past liked the nice clean 12 months – 12 astrological signs ratio so he was kicked to the curb only to join the party again last week. The experts are still out on whether we are going to accept Ophiuchus or going to give him a permanent Pluto-like demotion. I say let the man stay. After all, He’s only up there in the sky because he was slain by Zeus to stop his little brother, Hades, complaints about power. Can you really fault him for wanting his 15 minutes of fame?

In my book, Ophiuchus’s return to the scene warranted an early unveiling of the 3rd Munny that was suppose to debut on Friday, January 21st. (Besides, who knows. At the rate our attention spans diminish these days… he might have been thrust out of the public mind by then.) So even if Ophiuchus is gone come Friday, he can live on forever in my Munny-a-Week 2011 project.

The next Munny will be posted on Friday, January 28th. (Looks like I got the next 12 days off. Woo!) If you have any ideas for a Munny you would like to see, post a comment here or send me an e-mail at gbowdler@gmail.com.


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January 14, 2011

Week 2 - Beenard, The Honey Harvester


A few weeks back I was watching a program on television about "Urban Beekeeping" and I have to admit that I couldn't help but go online and check out what it was all about for a potential career change... then I remembered back to my childhood when I used to trap bees on the cone-flowers in the front yard in peanut butter jars and toss them in the air... long story short. I think I've built up some bad bee karma.

Fun Fact of the day: a queen and three pounds of worker bees are called "a package." (sings: The mooooore you knooooow!)

This week's Munny is an ode to all those out there that risk it all to collect the sweet stuff in bear bottles the world over. Note the little honeybee to the left of his face (or right of his face if you are Beenard) that is attached to his hat with a wire... give it a little flick and it will bobble there beside his head for well over a minute.

Wondering why he has a pained look on his face? Check out the inset photo of his backside and you'll discover that his suit's butt-flap has come undone and the evidence of a hit-and-fly attack on his left butt cheek.

The next munny will be posted on Friday, January 21st. If you have any ideas for a munny you would like to see, post a comment here or send me an e-mail at gbowdler@gmail.com.


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January 7, 2011

Week 1 - CowBoy


Well, Peeps. I want to wish you all a very happy start to 2011 and kick off this project with Week 1's Munny, "CowBoy." I spent the last week of 2010 in a small town in Western New York. Most of my trip was spent in the house where my mother grew up on a dairy farm. A frigid dairy farm.

My grandfather was that dairy farmer and I remember as a child when we would go visit my g'rents on the farm and run up and down the aisle of the milking house with my cousins trying to avoid the steaming piles of cow poo. The things i saw, felt, and unfortunately smelled were a lot to take in to my little suburban head.

As time went on, after the passing of my grandfather, my farmer family moved on from dairy to the "organic feed" market. My Mother and father moved back into the house she grew up in and I moved 1000 miles away to enjoy a much warmer, urban environment. This week, though, I'm bringing it back to the farm with my first munny of the year.

CowBoy was created using Sculpey clay and acrylic paint. Hope you enjoy!

The next Munny will be posted on Friday, January 14th. If you have any ideas of Munnys you would like me to customize, drop me a line in the comments or e-mail me at gbowdler@gmail.com.

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